5 Ways to Sprinkle Some Summer Througout Your School Year

You know that satisfied feeling you get at the end of your contractual teaching day when you look up at the clock, glance at your sparkly clean desk and think,"It feels great to be completely caught up, ready for the rest of the week with all of my lessons prepped, all of my calls home done and my plans sketched for the month ahead!"? No??? Of course not! That, unfortunately, is not a part of any teacher's reality. You could work 24 hours a day and still find things that needed to be done!

Teaching can be an all consuming job. How many nights have you lied in bed unable to sleep worrying about one of your students or perseverating on a difficult conversation? We have all been there more than we'd like to remember which is why teachers suffer burn out and even secondary trauma.

I challenge you to make this year different for yourself. Set a personal goal to sprinkle some of that carefree summer feeling throughout your school year in order to be your best self for your students and family. Follow these 5 tips to make this year amazing!

1. Get into nature!

Nature has a way of cleansing your spirit and replenishing you. Plan to get outside at least once a month. Actually schedule it into your calendar and make it a non-negotiable. An added bonus is that you can write about it in front of your students. What an incredible model for them!

2. Have an accountability partner!

Last year one of my teammates was a new mom and had to leave school two days a week right at the end of our contractual day for daycare reasons. She overheard me talking about my struggle to balance family and work. She told me, "I'm going to look for you at staff meetings to see if you have your stuff with you ready to go at the end of the meeting." We'd walk out together which made it easier to resist the pull to do just a few more things in my room. I also set up a carpool schedule for my oldest that forced me to leave twice a week to pick him up. These years with our own children go too quickly and I found myself treasuring that simple routine to check in with him and his friend at the end of their days. Find a coworker who will hold you accountable to your promise to leave "early" (on time!) at least twice a week. You'll figure out how to compensate on your longer days and love the time you free up for you!

3. Schedule a monthly treat for yourself!

If you can swing it financially, plan on a monthly massage. You can check Groupon for specials to cut on the cost, and the calm you will experience is worth it! If massage isn't your thing, book a monthly breakfast with friends or get together for happy hour. These small investments go far in maintaining your sanity!

4. Meditate

I resisted trying this for so many years, but it has made such a difference in my sleep that I'll never give it up now. If you aren't sure about this, try a guided meditation. I love the meditation series that Deepak Chopra and Oprah offer. They often have 21 day Free Experiences to sample. I've even resorted to playing them for my sons when they can't sleep. It works like a charm!

5. Take Days Off for YOU!

You may have personal leave time that you put off using or even sick days (mental health day!) that have accumulated. I know making sub plans is a pain, but taking a day to recharge is worth the effort! Teachers work SO HARD and would rather suffer themselves than leave their class with a substitute. Tell yourself that you deserve a break and your students will be fine without you. It's good for them to test their responsibility and have a break from you to realize how amazing you actually are! You'll be greeted back with hugs and smiles and your own renewed energy!

Tell me below what you like to do to keep your life balanced. Here's to an invigorating school year!


  1. I so agree with you...it is so important to take time for yourself and give yourself a little TLC! Great post

    1. Thank you! Now to be sure to put it into practice! 😂

  2. #1 is my goal for this year. I need to take a walk every day. That'll keep me sane and help me get fit!
